Sleep Apnea May Change Parts of Brain, Speed Aging | Health

Sleep Apnea May Change Parts of Brain, Speed Aging | Health

Key Takeaways Sleep apnea might cause changes to the brain The sleep disorder is linked to…

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The key to sustaining engineering excellence in a world of constant change

They say the only constant in life is change. In the technology industry, that’s only partially…

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Climate change may negatively affect the health of people with brain conditions

Climate change may negatively affect the health of people with brain conditions

Climate change, and its effects on weather patterns and adverse weather events, is likely to negatively…

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Climate Change May Worsen Brain Disorders

Climate Change May Worsen Brain Disorders

Climate change, and its effects on weather patterns and adverse weather events, is likely to negatively…

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Unpopular Windows 11 Start menu change could be back in the cards

Windows 11 speculation has once again turned to the topic of personalized recommendations within the Start…

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