Telemedicine use in neurology affected by race and neighborhood disparities

Telemedicine use in neurology affected by race and neighborhood disparities

For people seeing a neurologist, their age, race, ethnicity and neighborhood may play a role in…

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Atlassian’s Confluence Data Center and Server Affected by Critical RCE Vulnerability, CVE-2023-22527: Patch Now

[Update] August 29, 2024: “Cryptojacking via CVE-2023-22527” [Update] January 25, 2024: “CVE-2023-22527 Has Been Listed in…

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Over 1 in 3 people affected by neurological conditions, the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide

Over 1 in 3 people affected by neurological conditions, the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide

A major new study released by The Lancet Neurology shows that, in 2021, more than 3…

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